Friday, October 21, 2011

Approved! Now For Finding the Inspiration

My account was approved so I celebrated yesterday which is why there was no blog (as if anyone's actually reading this)

And now today as late as it is, I'm trying to get things in order to get started. But really the only thing I need to do is come up with a story I can run with.

I have a nice long 12 hour day tomorrow so I'll have plenty of time to jot down ideas as I come up with them. I like the idea of having a running gag that can be popped in every episode or close to it. If you know the new My Little Pony - think Derpy Hoof.

But as for quality, since I'm just starting out I figure I may as well just run with what I can do. There's no reason to try and be super fancy at the start, I can be moderately fancy when I get things set up... I keep saying that but I really just need to get up and get started.

Now that the account has been approved I have no reason to be putting videos up and helping them circulate to find a viewer base. Ahh work and luck!

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